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    Revealing a “new” landing of American aircraft at Ain al-Assad Air Base

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Revealing a “new” landing of American aircraft at Ain al-Assad Air Base Empty Revealing a “new” landing of American aircraft at Ain al-Assad Air Base

    Post by Rocky Fri 15 Sep 2023, 4:58 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Anbar reveals a "new" landing of American aircraft at Ain al-Asad air base
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Revealing a “new” landing of American aircraft at Ain al-Assad Air Base[/size]
    • Today 09:04

     Information / Anbar..
    A security source in Anbar Governorate revealed, on Friday, that Ain al-Asad Air Base witnessed the landing of another number of American cargo planes amid unprecedented precautionary measures on the base building in areas west of Anbar.
    The source said in a statement to the Maalouma Agency, “Ain al-Asad base in Hit district, west of Anbar, witnessed the landing of another number of American cargo planes without knowing whether they were loaded with people and military equipment.”
    The source added, "The American forces stationed inside the Al-Assad base building took unprecedented precautionary measures that coincided with the landing of the cargo plane," indicating that "the areas of the western Anbar desert towards the areas of the Syrian depths witnessed the intensification of aerial reconnaissance operations by American aircraft without knowing the real reasons behind the aerial reconnaissance operations." ".

    It is noteworthy that the Ain al-Asad Air Base, west of Anbar, has witnessed during the current period an increase in the landing of American cargo planes inside the base building, without knowing more details about the payload of these planes. Ended / 12A
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      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 6:11 pm