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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central Bank confirms that a statistical error in backup of gold

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Central Bank confirms that a statistical error in backup of gold Empty Central Bank confirms that a statistical error in backup of gold

    Post by Hkp1 Wed 10 Apr 2013, 10:24 am

    Central Bank confirms that a statistical error in backup of gold

    Editor: SS | AH
    Wednesday 10 April 2013 12: 52 GMT

    Alsumaria news/Baghdad
    Iraqi Central Bank, unveiled Wednesday, a statistical error in the data
    on backup of gold to the International Monetary Fund was corrected,
    groundbreaking for its performance, and that it will not tolerate.

    Bank said in a press release received "alsumaria news", "source of
    variation in the data for the balance of the Central Bank's gold
    reserves to the International Monetary Fund is a statistical error in
    the exchange of data submitted to the International Monetary Fund
    initially, and were corrected in the second report of the IMF", adding
    that "there was no transaction buying or selling during this phase.

    Bank stressed that the Administration "will take all necessary legal
    actions against a mistake in the presentation of statistical data",
    noting that "spoke with this topic wasn't even aware of his arrival-if
    the Central Bank using logical methods, it is known that the budget of
    the Bank presented with reports and include the nature of the assets and
    liabilities is required for most of these budget review to make sure
    they did not contain such changes."

    The statement noted that "in
    recent days, a frank and unprecedented and irresponsible targeted
    systematic institutional performance of Central Bank not only resist
    collects rebuilding Iraq", noting that "it is not unlikely that this
    attack was intended to further confuse the general economic and social

    "As the new Administration has taken a decision to
    strengthen the market and enhance the economy and greater economic
    freedom in the field of bank activity and Foreign Exchange Management
    Act, a number of politicians to respond to these actions, which clearly
    reflected the impact on the currency market stability."

    The CBI
    said in its statement that it "will continue with serious legal and
    economic implications of such targeting and confirms that this
    institution should remain independent in its resolution No, but even in
    the thinking of others and orientation".

    The Bank noted that "the
    Bank is keen on him regardless of what others are doing and planned and
    they pay him, is more to defend the fixed exchange rate and a more open
    market and freedom to protect the banking system effectively and
    efficiently and ensuring its success in keeping outsiders from
    continuing influence on this machine."

    He was a member of the
    parliamentary integrity Committee Javad alshahili, revealed at a press
    conference held in the Parliament building on Tuesday, that "ten tons of
    gold stolen from Central Bank of Iraq at the end of last year, and
    stressed that the current Presidency of the World Bank" involved "in the

    Iraqi Central Bank denied on the same day, Tuesday, that
    steal tons of gold, called alshahili to provide corroborating evidence,
    waving to his prosecution, saying the reports are meant to confuse the
    market and harm to the reputation of the Iraqi economy.

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    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 60
    Location : Lone Star State

    Central Bank confirms that a statistical error in backup of gold Empty Re: Central Bank confirms that a statistical error in backup of gold

    Post by Neno Wed 10 Apr 2013, 12:40 pm

    wasn't the report like 2000 tons, well now that it was missing but is corrected, that should tally up more for the reserves.... ;)

    OS: The country seems to be gathering more and more value with all these new reports that are surfacing, is it a cover up to show why the New rate is what it is when they show it?... ;)

      Current date/time is Sun 30 Jun 2024, 5:19 am