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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iran announces close to signing an agreement with Iraq to develop a common field

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iran announces close to signing an agreement with Iraq to develop a common field Empty Iran announces close to signing an agreement with Iraq to develop a common field

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Aug 2017, 4:02 am

    Iran announces close to signing an agreement with Iraq to develop a common field


    Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh announced on Tuesday that an agreement with Iraq to develop the Common Ether field will soon be signed, indicating that based on negotiations between the parties to the contracts, 10 oil agreements are expected to be concluded by the end of the current Iranian year.

    "The development of the oil fields of the South Pars field, the joint Azer field with Iraq, the fields of Soharab, Timur, Mansuri and Azadegan oil are on the priority list," Zengana said in an interview with ISNA.

    "The development of the Azadegan oil field is taking a long time because of its technical complexity," Zangana said, stressing that "the main texts and the annexes to all contracts have been finalized."

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