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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence

    Admin Assist
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    America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence Empty America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Oct 2019, 1:59 am

    [size=36]America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence[/size]

    Political | 09:08 - 28/10/2019

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    The United States on Monday expressed concern about the restriction of the media in Iraq, calling on all parties to reject the cycle of violence.
    US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a Twitter tweet that his country was "closely monitoring the situation in Iraq and is calling on all parties to reject the cycle of violence."
    He added, "Washington regrets the loss of life and is concerned about the restriction of the media," noting that "freedom of information must be supported."

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    America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence Empty US State Department comments on the demonstrations in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Oct 2019, 2:08 am


    US State Department comments on the demonstrations in Iraq

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/10/28 8:52 • 387 times read[/rtl]
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    The US State Department announced on Sunday that it is following the situation in Iraq closely, as protests continue for a third day, while calling on all parties to "renounce violence."
    "We support freedom of expression. Press freedom is fundamental to democratic reform," the State Department said in a statement. "We are concerned about pressures on the media covering the demonstrations."
    The statement added: "The United States supports the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people, and we are working to stabilize and security of Iraq and preserve its sovereignty."
    This comes after thousands of Iraqi protesters remained in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad on Sunday, in defiance of a bloody security campaign that killed dozens over the past two days and a raid by security forces during the night to disperse them.
    Youths set up barricades on a bridge leading to the city's fortified Green Zone to separate them from security forces, who continued to throw tear gas canisters at them. Medical and security sources said 77 people were injured.
    At least 74 Iraqis were killed and hundreds wounded on Friday and Saturday when demonstrators clashed with security forces and armed factions in a second wave of protests against Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi's government this month, taking the total death toll in October to 231.

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    America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence Empty Washington "concerned" and calls on parties in Iraq to "renounce violence"

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Oct 2019, 2:35 am

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    Washington "concerned" and calls on parties in Iraq to "renounce violence"

    2019/10/27 23:01:59

    The US State Department said Washington was following the situation in Iraq closely, calling on all parties to renounce violence.
    In a statement, the State Department offered its condolences to the families of the victims killed during the demonstrations this weekend, wishing all the wounded a speedy recovery.
    The State Department expressed deep concern about the forced closure of the media and pressure to censor reports on demonstrations.
    "Freedom of the press is rooted in democratic reform. We support the fundamental right to freedom of expression, which is constitutionally granted to all media organizations, and the right of journalists to practice their profession in safety," the statement said.
    "The US government continues to support the Iraqi government, the Iraqi people, and the security, stability and sovereignty of the country," the statement concluded.

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    Admin Assist
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    America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence Empty Pompeo calls on all parties in Iraq to reject the cycle of violence

    Post by Rocky Mon 28 Oct 2019, 7:09 am

    Pompeo calls on all parties in Iraq to reject the cycle of violence

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    US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday called on all parties in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to reject the cycle of violence.
    Pompeo said in a tweet on his "Twitter" that his country "is closely watching the situation in Iraq, and it calls on all parties to reject the cycle of violence."
    "Washington regrets the loss of life and is concerned about restricting the media," he said, adding that "media freedom should be supported."

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    America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence Empty Re: America is concerned about restricting media in Iraq and calls for rejecting the cycle of violence

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