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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iran announced an agreement with Iraq to establish a joint free trade zone

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iran announced an agreement with Iraq to establish a joint free trade zone Empty Iran announced an agreement with Iraq to establish a joint free trade zone

    Post by Rocky Sat 10 Dec 2016, 6:26 am

    [size=32]Iran announced an agreement with Iraq to establish a joint free trade zone[/size]
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    Assistant Economic Affairs and Investment in Iran "arond" area, Mohammad Reza Motamedi (archive)

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     21 minutes ago

    Assistant Economic Affairs and investment in Iran's declared "arond the" free area north-west of Iran and Iraq, his country's agreement during the talks that they held on establishing a joint free trade zone in the region Hlmjh (west boundary) between the two countries.

    He explained Mohammad Reza Motamedi told the News Agency of Iran (IRNA) that the talks took place in the Iraqi city of Basra between the governor and the mayor of the city on one side and a group of economic officials in the region 'arond' free, on the launch of free zones in the borders of the two countries, it was agreed to establish a free trade zone in Hlmjh limits.
    He noted that the talks between the two parties reached a stage to locate thefree zone and taking licenses from the central government to launch theproject, it is assumed that a delegation from the Iraqi experts visited Hlmjh to determine the potential of the area and submit its report to the Iraqi government. 

    He noted that the Iranian and Iraqi sides discussed other issues , including the supplement railway linking the cities of Basra , Iraqi and Iranian Khorramshahr, the railway project Iraqi Altnomp, and facilitate themovement of the people of the cities of Abadan and Khorramshahr to Basra, as well as the movement of cars between the two sides across the Hlmjh limits.

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