announced that the Inspector General of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Municipalities Majid Salehi on Thursday for recovery of 21 properties in five provinces to state ownership during the last period, pointing out that the total value of these properties of one billion and 250 million dinars. 

Al-Salhi said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, a copy of it, "The investigative committees and our control staff and through the efforts and continuous follow-up with our offices was able to recover 21 properties to the state property in five municipalities in Karbala and Maysan, Basra, Anbar and Diyala," explaining that " Real estate amounted to more than one billion and 250 million and five thousand in five provinces. "

The properties of these properties were distributed as follows: 9 properties in Maysan Governorate with an estimated value of 375 million dinars, 3 properties in Holy Karbala valued at 645 million Iraqi dinars and 4 properties in Diyala province with an estimated value of 139 million Dinars, and 3 properties in Anbar estimated value of 18 million Iraqis, and two properties in Basra valued at 80 million Iraqi dinars. 

He pointed out that "these properties vary in their areas, prices and geographical positions in the five provinces," adding that "all the procedures were legal according to judicial decisions of the competent courts, and that these properties were held by persons who were taken by illegal means and in the case was returned to the State Property Issuing legal bonds from the real estate registration on behalf of the municipality and referring the defaultees to the courts and the Integrity Commission. "