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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Before his visit to Washington.. Al-Sudani: The need for weapons outside the control of the state wi

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    Before his visit to Washington.. Al-Sudani: The need for weapons outside the control of the state wi Empty Before his visit to Washington.. Al-Sudani: The need for weapons outside the control of the state wi

    Post by Rocky Fri Apr 12, 2024 5:52 am

    Before his visit to Washington.. Al-Sudani: The need for weapons outside the control of the state will disappear

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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed today, Thursday (April 11, 2024), that the need for weapons outside the control of the state and its institutions will disappear, and we are working to achieve that.
    Al-Sudani said in an article in the Foreign Affairs newspaper ahead of his expected visit to Washington on April 15, that “American-Iraqi relations constitute an essential element in the stability of the Middle East, as well as the prosperity of the peoples of the region, and in recent years, tensions have arisen from time to time between "Our two countries are a result of the conflict with armed groups that have been present in Iraq over the past two decades."
    He explained, "These groups arose from the complex circumstances that Iraq faced while confronting terrorism, but little by little, and with the restoration of security and stability, the need for weapons outside the control of the state and its institutions will disappear, and we are working in concert to achieve this goal."
    He stressed, "Iraq has a long road ahead of it full of challenges, and my government is aware of its sensitive position and the delicate balance that it must maintain between the United States and the groups that sometimes enter into direct conflict with American forces."
    Al-Sudani added, “But our vision of this situation is clear: We reject attacks on American interests in Iraq or in neighboring countries, and at the same time, we need time to manage internal complications and reach political understandings with various parties,” stressing that “the decision of war and peace “It must be a private matter for the state, and no other party can claim this right.”
    He pointed out that "with the help of Iraq's friends - especially the United States - he was able to defeat the most brutal terrorist organization in modern history, and now, only small groups of ISIS remain; our security forces are pursuing them through deserts, mountains and caves, but they no longer pose a threat to the state, and he has strengthened... This conflict has greatly affected the experience of our security forces, placing them among the best armies in the fight against terrorism,” adding, “It is time to turn the page and redirect our resources and capabilities from waging wars to promoting development.”
    Al-Sudani said, “Final victory over terrorism is far-fetched without real development, including providing a decent level of health care, education, and other basic services. This is the goal of the program that my government developed and is determined to implement: pushing forward economic and financial reforms, and strengthening Human rights, women’s empowerment, and promoting the principles of freedom and democracy in general.”
    He noted, "It is also important to fight corruption - which is the other side of terrorism, as its impact is no less devastating - and to ensure that the Iraqi people's money is directed towards meaningful goals. We must also work to diversify our economy away from dependence on oil, Even as we take advantage of our position as OPEC's second-largest oil exporter (in addition to having large natural gas reserves), to this end, we are developing cross-border projects (such as industrial zones with neighboring countries) and a development path, which works on Connecting the Gulf region to Turkey and Ur.
    He continued, "When I visit Washington and meet with President Joe Biden on April 15, this will be an opportunity to put the US-Iraqi partnership on a new, more sustainable footing, and our discussions will emphasize the continuing importance of our economic relations, cooperation in combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and using political and diplomatic tools to defuse the situation." "Regional tensions, and the fight against terrorism, will remain a central topic for our governments."
    The Prime Minister explained, “The guiding principle of our foreign relations is (Iraq first), that is, building strong partnerships based on common interests with friendly countries in our region and outside it. This principle means that we deal with every country equally, so that Iraq does not turn into an arena.” To settle the scores of any external party, Iraq must be dealt with on the basis of sovereignty and mutual respect, and not as an agent for other conflicts.”
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