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    Invested companies adopt projects to provide job opportunities for youth

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    Invested companies adopt projects to provide job opportunities for youth Empty Invested companies adopt projects to provide job opportunities for youth

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Jan 2016, 4:15 pm

    Invested companies adopt projects to provide job opportunities for youth

    1/17/2016 0:00 

    BAGHDAD - the joy of pumice 
    urged specialists domestic and foreign investment companies to set up small-scale projects are beneficial to the people of the areas that are held within the geographical borders. 
    The past period the adoption of international oil companies projects providing services in working out areas within its social responsibility, what has made ​​progress in sustainable development and the ruled somewhat on class differences in society, as well as providing employment opportunities. The Ministry of Oil is currently in agreement with the foreign companies investing in oil fields in the licensing rounds contracts to provide some of the services under the social benefits to the regions in which it operates. 
    In this regard, said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad »Sabah», that «the oil companies investing in Iraq annually monitor some of the allocations for support near the oil fields, communities and the establishment of various projects of social Kmenaf ». 
    He Jihad said these projects is a workshop to teach sewing and the establishment of schools and playgrounds, health clinics, in addition to other initiatives within the boundaries of the region in which it operates the company concerned, as well as capacity development and educational courses for the people of the province to integrate into the business involved in the extraction processes. 
    He noted that these companies put the annual financial allocations and by the nature of the investor field, have agreed (financial ratios) with the Oil Ministry, as it spends in cooperation with the joint management of (the Iraqi administration and management of foreign investing company) , as well as coordination with the provinces, counties and districts councils, saying the main beneficiary provinces of these services are the provinces of Basra, Maysan, Wasit and Dhi Qar. 
    as well as the agreement with the ministry within the licensing rounds decades, said Jihad humanitarian initiatives undertaken by these companies within the geographical boundaries in which it operates . 
    The European Commission has defined CSR as «the concept of work in which companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with the sides concerned on a voluntary basis». 
    For his part, the economic expert d. As Abdul Hadi said a lot of investors in the world's companies voluntarily provide a lot of social benefits and services, or some minor investments in the areas in which it operates, especially in relation to the themes of pollution and noise dating By building on the region or city in which they operate, on the contrary some cases , providing some of the social aspects of investing in areas within the contracts. 
    He pointed Abdul Hadi to it within the licensing rounds significant advantages achieved, on the grounds that Iraq investment opportunity in the field of oil is the very leading and promising, as well as that there are many wells is invested up to now. 
    He stressed the need to be part of the agreement or the contract with the company invested to provide social benefits, including the establishment of a small apartment complexes and the establishment of small hospitals and theme parks, explaining that he is not necessarily cover all areas of the province, but could include the workers in these companies. 
    He also noted It is considered as compensation for what you leave companies from investments in these cities, as well as providing the central government amount of financial compensation called (petro) as compensation for the negative effects affected the provinces of this type of investment. 
    The expert believes it is mostly these provinces have not benefited from these customizations Finance monitored by the government to the provinces, what caused the loss of social rights between investors on the one hand companies and poor implementation on the other. 
    He believed that the provision of social and service benefits is not about the extent of need cities for services, to the extent that a communication and build bridges of trust and cooperation and put forward a positive relationship between the company and the community in which they operate. 
    In the case of agreements between investing companies and government contracts did not include the provision of social services, He explained Abdul Hadi It is binding on these companies despite the financial ability to set up simple projects, urging those responsible to oblige all companies investing in the future this aspect. 
    As stressed the need to ensure a balance between investment in the provinces, adding that the bulk relying on is the quality of investment needed by the country and implemented in a real Iraqi provinces and cities. 
    In previous statements »Sabah» economic adviser in the prime minister said d. Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge: The «it requires to become a social responsibility generalized principle in companies operating in Iraq, and as those companies of the top agencies in the country. It has a responsibility to promote sustainable development and raise the level of society under which they operate». 
    Anbuge can also find this term Economic is a great closer to the concept of Islamic economics, which give society what earned by companies, saying that social responsibility will return to the cycle of income benefit that fosters demand for the products of these companies and increase the activities of the economy, especially as these concepts are a cure for the phenomena of recession and depression that occur in the global economic crisis . 
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