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    Infallible congratulates Erdogan

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Infallible congratulates Erdogan Empty Infallible congratulates Erdogan

    Post by Rocky Tue 12 Aug 2014, 4:04 am

    Infallible congratulates Erdogan

    8/12/2014 0:00

    BAGHDAD morning

    Congratulated the President of the Republic Fuad Masum yesterday Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on the occasion of his election as president of the Turkish Republic, wishing him success and the friendly Turkish people further progress and prosperity.

    And came in a presidential statement received «morning» that infallible telephoned Erdogan where stressed the need to strengthen the bonds of cooperation between Iraq and Turkey in order to serve the higher interests of the two friendly countries, pointing to the importance of relations with neighboring Turkey, and the need to consolidate and expand and strengthen the floor of joint cooperation between the two countries and at all levels , especially since the region is exposed to a terrorist attack is fierce, which requires everyone to stand as one to fight the terrorism that threatens the security and stability of the region.

    For his part, thanked the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President infallible on his congratulations, expressing his desire to personally and his country's keenness to strengthen the bonds of friendship and cooperation with Iraq in order to serve the aspirations of the two friendly peoples in the stability and prosperity.

    The president praised the efforts made ​​by Erdogan President infallible in bringing the views of the political parties to form a government of national partnership involving all Iraqi spectrum, stressing his support and for his support of Turkey

    Erdogan pointed to the importance of the role of Iraq for Turkey as an important neighbor, and expressed Turkey's readiness to stand with Iraq in its war against terrorism.

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