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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Legal representative: political blocs agreed to all the special amnesty law amendments

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Legal representative: political blocs agreed to all the special amnesty law amendments Empty Legal representative: political blocs agreed to all the special amnesty law amendments

    Post by Rocky Fri 18 Nov 2016, 2:09 am

    [size=37]Legal representative: political blocs agreed to all the special amnesty law amendments[/size]

    BAGHDAD - The Journal News
    Legal Committee of the parliamentary political blocs announced agreement on all the special amnesty law amendments.
    According to committee member Ibtisam al-Hilali said some blocs seeking to expand the general amnesty law concerning the release of the kidnappers to include those involved and who caused the killing of kidnapped while insisting the National Alliance for the release of those involved in the abductions have not resulted in the killing in the case of a waiver complaining party, "indicating that "amendments to the law will be submitted to parliament after the end of the holiday death of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him."
    She said the political blocs agreed to all of the amnesty law amendments and sent by the Council of Ministers under the appeal filed by the Federal Court, whether paragraph terrorist crimes absolutely or other, "pointing out that" the only paragraph which is still in dispute is the paragraph dealing with the kidnappers. " .

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