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    A former US State Department official calls for uniting efforts against the Iranian regime

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A former US State Department official calls for uniting efforts against the Iranian regime Empty A former US State Department official calls for uniting efforts against the Iranian regime

    Post by Rocky Thu 29 Mar 2018, 4:39 pm

    A former US State Department official calls for uniting efforts against the Iranian regime
    March 29 2018 09:37 PM
    A former US State Department official calls for uniting efforts against the Iranian regime 3201829213657108445096
    [rtl][rtl]Michel Rees - Former US State Department official[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    Ambassador Michael Reese, a former State Department official, called for the alliance of all forces to confront the Iranian regime and parliamentary forces in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

    "The protests against the Iranian regime are not new, but recent protests have differed from that of other young people," Rees said in an article titled "The Next Flood in Iran," published in the Richmond Times, Rich and poor, and men and women in mass demonstrations, are bravely opposed to the ruling religious system, a system that violates human rights and deprives them of their rights. "

    The former US official: "These demonstrations spread across the country Last week, the Iranian Interior Minister admitted that the demonstrations occurred in more than 100 cities."

    "We must send a strong message to the Iranian people and support their democratic aspirations and their demands to establish an elected government that respects the rule of law and respects its people. There is also bipartisan support in the US Congress for these demands," Rees concluded.

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