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    Removing armed opposition from the borders... How will Iraq reap a “double benefit”?

    Admin Assist
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    Removing armed opposition from the borders... How will Iraq reap a “double benefit”? Empty Removing armed opposition from the borders... How will Iraq reap a “double benefit”?

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Sep 2023, 4:53 am

    Removing armed opposition from the borders... How will Iraq reap a “double benefit”?

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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    It seems that Iraq will get two "birds" with one stone, as removing the armed opposition, whether Iranian or Turkish, from the border will not only ensure coordination with the Iranian and Turkish sides and obtain an important negotiating card with the two countries, but Iraq will also obtain other positive results represented by controlling the border. Prevent leakage loopholes and suspicious activities.
    A member of the Parliamentary Security Committee, MP Salah Zaini Al-Tamimi, said today, Saturday (September 16, 2023), in an interview with “Baghdad Today,” that “the deployment of federal security forces on the border strip with Iran and Turkey continues according to the contexts that were approved by the security committees,” while He pointed out that "there is a problem in a specific area," but he did not specify it, indicating that "efforts are continuing to put an end to any problems."
    He added, "The involvement of some forces opposed to Iran and Turkey, which are spread in headquarters within Iraqi territory in the Kurdistan region, close to the border, in drug, smuggling, and weapons cases, and the imposition of royalties," noting that "the people in those areas welcome the deployment of federal border forces."
    He pointed out that "securing the borders is vital and falls within the country's national security requirements to prevent the exploitation of lands in any area within Iraq's borders for any actions harmful to the borders and neighboring countries."
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    For its part, Iran Front Page Agency revealed today, Saturday (September 16, 2023), that the Iranian armed opposition, stationed in the areas of the Kurdistan region, on the border with Iran, has agreed to disarm and move to other areas inside Iraq. 
    The agency confirmed, quoting private sources, according to what was translated by “Baghdad Today,” that “the Iranian Kurdish factions that are active in the areas of the Iraqi Kurdistan region along the border with Iran have finally agreed to completely surrender their weapons and leave the areas that Tehran considers ‘sensitive to their security,’” according to their description. 
    She continued, "Internal sources also confirmed that the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government has actually begun receiving the weapons of the Iranian Kurdish opposition factions and transferring them to other areas far from the Iranian border into camps prepared in advance to receive them in the governorates of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah." 
    It is noteworthy that the Iranian authorities had given Iraq a deadline to transfer the Iranian opposition from its borders, ending on the nineteenth of this month, threatening to launch “military operations” against those factions in the event that the Iraqi government and Kurdistan “fail” to implement the Iranian conditions.
    Yesterday, Friday (September 15, 2023), the leadership of the Border Guard Forces announced the capture of new points on the Iraqi-Iranian border strip within Erbil Governorate that were under the control of groups outside the law.
    The command stated in a statement, received by “Baghdad Today”, that “as part of the efforts of the Border Forces Command to control the entire Iraqi border with neighboring countries, a force from the 2nd Border Brigade and the 1st Region Border Commando Regiment, with the support of the Peshmerga Regional Guard forces, was able to capture border points.” On the Iraqi-Iranian border strip.
    She added, "The Al-Misk operation came after clashes with groups outside the law that were controlled within the administrative borders of Erbil Governorate." 
    The leadership confirmed, according to the statement, that it is "determined to impose the authority of the Iraqi state on all borders with neighboring countries and to raise the Iraqi flag at the furthest point therein."
    The Iranian side moved its heavy weapons towards the Kurdistan region as preparation for the expiration of the deadline granted to Iraq to disarm and dismantle the Iranian opposition camps spread in the Kurdistan region.
    However, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian confirmed the Iraqi side’s commitment to the security agreement concluded between the two sides, and the removal of Kurdish groups and parties anti-regime in Tehran from the borders adjacent to the two countries, which means there is no need to conduct a military operation.
    Iran had set September 19 as the deadline for Iraq to remove the Iranian opposition from the border and disarm it.
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