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    Sudanese Advisor: The government is serious about changing the salary scale

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    Sudanese Advisor: The government is serious about changing the salary scale Empty Sudanese Advisor: The government is serious about changing the salary scale

    Post by Rocky Sun 31 Mar 2024, 4:31 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Sudanese Advisor: The government is serious about changing the salary scale[/size]

    [size=45]Al-Sudani’s advisor to Al-Sumaria: The government is serious about changing the salary scale
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    The technical advisor to Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani revealed, on Friday, that there are important files that will be resolved during the latter’s visit to Washington, while he made it clear that the government is serious about changing and amending the salary scale for state employees. He explained that stopping the Central Bank’s initiative made residential investment complexes a monopoly for the well-off.
    Muhammad Sahib Al-Daraji said in an interview with the Belmuktaz program broadcast by Al-Sumaria satellite channel, “The Prime Minister’s visit to Washington will be important because America is an important player in the region, and these data make the Iraqi government required to deal with the issue of the relationship with Washington on the economic and financial levels, especially through the control of the American Federal Reserve.” On Iraq’s money from selling oil.”

    [size=45]He added, “The visit is not just a visit, but rather an important visit, and there are many files that will be resolved, including the money file, the presence of American international forces, the energy and water file, and the climate file,” considering that “the visit comes to establish a new framework for the relationship.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Daraji explained, “The sanctions on private banks are not caused by terrorism, but rather by poor work and lack of knowledge in using the electronic platform,” indicating that “the sanctions imposed by America are not their right, but their control over Iraq’s money made them behave in this way.”[/size]
    [size=45]He pointed out that “the difference between the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar will be resolved soon through some measures that the government is seeking to implement, which have limited the exchange rate to 2,000 dinars against the dollar,” expecting that “the exchange rate will stabilize at 1,480 and 1,470 dinars against the dollar.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Daraji pointed out that “Iraq does not suffer from a cash liquidity crisis because Iraq obtains liquidity by selling oil in dollars, selling it inside Iraq, and obtaining dinars from within and recycling them,” noting that “the current crisis is not a liquidity crisis, but rather the delay in the budget schedules is what “It led to the existence of this crisis, which arises from the cessation of converting dollars into dinars, through intermediary banks.”[/size]
    [size=45]He explained that “the recent Cabinet decisions regarding raising the price of fuel (improved and super gasoline) were part of a package of decisions, the most important of which was reducing the country’s public debt through reducing and canceling some loans to reduce the public debt to 10 billion dollars, meaning that the public debt is less than 10% of the GDP.” Locally, as for subsidized “gasoline” or other subsidized goods, they are smuggled continuously,” indicating that “the target of this decision are those with high incomes and simple citizens who will not be affected by this decision, in addition to striving for self-sufficiency in petroleum products.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Daraji pointed out that “the Iraqi family consists, according to planning, of 5.6 members, which means 6 million families, which means cars with the number of families or more, which means re-imposing the individual and marital system, and this is not acceptable to the citizens, but these decisions are made with changing the working hours of some ministries to reduce the momentum.” in the streets".[/size]
    [size=45]The Prime Minister’s advisor confirmed that “political tensions are what brought Iraq to this stage by underestimating the extent of the achievements achieved by the government, but the situation now in Iraq has changed due to awareness, which has become a reality that political tensions cannot change,” indicating that “the country has not obtained Something during previous periods lost confidence in democracy, but there are signs of a return of confidence and satisfaction with what will emerge from the current government.”[/size]
    [size=45]Regarding the early elections, Al-Daraji said, “Determining the date for the early elections comes from the political blocs and this is not possible in the current period because the Commission is preoccupied with the Kurdistan region’s elections, approving the changes in the election law, and the delay in choosing the Speaker of the House of Representatives. All of this makes the early elections “talzk,” adding, “ But if the political blocs want early elections, the government is obligated to implement them.”[/size]
    [size=45]In addition, Al-Daraji pointed out that “the monetary mass in Iraq is very high and the Finance Committee must review its information because the financial mass is large and there is no problem with it,” explaining that “the monetary mass is present with the citizens and circulates in the market by disbursing the necessary needs of the citizens.” Stating that, “If Iraq sells what is worth $8 billion and it becomes in the central bank, what is converted into dollars is the equivalent of what the bank sells in dollars through the platform, which is the process of converting dollars into dinars, and it is possible to transfer the surplus to industry and invest in residential complexes to reduce the suffering of citizens.” .[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Daraji pointed out that “electronic payment enhances the release of the cash mass stored by citizens through sales transactions between citizens, and it is possible to establish holding companies for citizens’ participation, but we need insurance for these projects to succeed.”[/size]
    [size=45]Regarding the “Made in Iraq” slogan, the Prime Minister’s advisor stressed that “this is a national demand for this government, which is very serious about preserving the hard currency and developing the Iraqi economy,” noting that “the current government announced for the first time that it will guarantee the investor through a sovereign guarantee, and this is an encouragement to make in Iraq possesses the raw materials necessary for industries, and the evidence is the cement industry, which has succeeded in achieving self-sufficiency in Iraq.”[/size]
    [size=45]He pointed out that “America, which has a population of 300 million, has 3 million employees, while Iraq has 8 million employees, and this is the result of poor planning, which makes the Iraqi economy restricted.” He explained that “the salary scale must be adjusted and the government is serious about changing it to reduce the differences between employees.” Pointing out that “changing the salary scale will be by raising the salaries of employees and not reducing some.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Daraji stressed that “canceling military industrialization was a big mistake committed by Bremer, and its consequences were disastrous for Iraq because the high-end technical institution was misused by the previous regime.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Daraji explained, “The government supported some industries with sovereign guarantees. Among these projects is a large glass factory in Najaf, in addition to the establishment of a petrochemical complex in Basra, in addition to the construction industries in Samawah and Diwaniyah. The government’s biggest priority is the localization of the pharmaceutical industry, which costs the country hard currency estimated at 6 billion dollars.” per year,” indicating that “establishing factories requires financing, protection, and marketing, and the government helps finance the project and protect it from importer competition, in addition to assisting with marketing.”[/size]
    [size=45]Al-Daraji pointed out that “the pharmaceutical industry needs successful commercial propaganda that gets rid of the idea that foreign production is better than Iraqi production. Therefore, we need good marketing and change this idea about the Iraqi product in order for these projects to succeed.”[/size]
    [size=45]Regarding the new Sadr City, Al-Daraji said, “Work is underway to select designs for the city’s infrastructure and select reputable Chinese companies to develop this city, which is expected to begin work within the next two months,” indicating that “the government supports the presence of Arab and foreign investors to encourage the provision of services to citizens.”[/size]
    [size=45]He considered that “stopping the Central Bank’s initiative is a mistake that I have reservations about because it made the investment complexes exclusive to the well-off,” explaining that “Sadr City residential housing will be available to the poor classes of citizens due to government support,” noting that “the government seeks to move civil government departments to the peripheries.” To reduce population momentum in the center of the capital.”[/size]
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