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    Sudanese visit to Washington: accumulated problems and hopes for constructive dialogue

    Admin Assist
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    Sudanese visit to Washington: accumulated problems and hopes for constructive dialogue Empty Sudanese visit to Washington: accumulated problems and hopes for constructive dialogue

    Post by Rocky Mon 01 Apr 2024, 6:57 am

    [size=38]Sudanese visit to Washington: accumulated problems and hopes for constructive dialogue[/size]

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    April 1, 2024[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: As Prime Minister Muhammad al-Sudani heads towards his next visit to the White House, challenges and problems await him are revealed and require careful handling and political wisdom, as the Kurdistan Region files occupy a prominent place in al-Sudani’s visit schedule, as Washington attaches great importance to them and calls for them to be resolved to the satisfaction of The parties concerned, which requires diplomatic skill and the ability to communicate effectively.
    Al-Sudani faces another challenge represented by the escalation of some armed factions in Iraq, which constitutes an additional complicating factor that requires addressing it firmly and wisely, especially with the possibility of a return of escalation with American forces.
    Al-Sudani's visit is subject to internal and external pressure, as some voices within the United States oppose his visit, considering that Iran is exerting influence on his government, and this puts him in a political dilemma that requires a careful diplomatic resolution.
    The economic challenges and terms of the loan from the International Monetary Fund represent a complex file that requires a quick and effective response from the Sudanese, as he must reconcile the country’s interests and adhere to the imposed conditions.
    Despite the challenges and tensions, the Sudanese government seeks to conclude a “comprehensive partnership” with the United States, which requires a solid diplomatic strategy to deal with the multiple contradictions and challenges it faces.
    The Sudanese visit to the White House remains an opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations and address common challenges, but it requires careful preparation and planning from him to confront various challenges and pressures.
    The White House announced, a week ago, the date of Sudanese’s visit to Washington to meet Biden, on April 15, and said in a statement that they “will discuss common priorities and strengthen the strong bilateral partnership between the United States and Iraq.”
    Meanwhile, eight members of the US Senate and the US Congress called on President Joe Biden to reduce Iranian hegemony and support the Kurds, a prerequisite for Sudanese’s visit to the United States.
    Republican Senator Tom Cotton, along with 7 other representatives, sent a letter to Biden asking him to set conditions on Iraq, most notably “not to make further concessions to Iran,” and to intervene “to resume the export of oil from the Iraqi Kurdistan region.”
    Government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi said that Sudanese’s visit to Washington “will be very important, as he will raise the issue of the American withdrawal, as well as the dollar crisis and the solution of sanctions against Iraqi banks.”
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